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The bus partner can cancel the confirmed activities,

1. If causes of Force-Majeure arise, described below.
2. If the bus partner is unable to obtain an adequate number of bookings for certain services.

In such cases, The bus partner will notify the traveler immediately through secure messaging service and will proceed full refund for the activity booked.
Force-Majeure described as,

The partners will not be liable in any way for death, bodily injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss or detriment to person or property, or financial costs both direct and indirect incurred, or for the partners failure to commence, perform or complete any duty owed to you if such death, delay, bodily injury (including emotional distress or injury), illness, damage or other loss or detriment to person or property is caused by Act of God, war or war like operations, mechanical breakdowns, terrorist activities or threat thereof, civil commotions, labor difficulties, interference by authorities, political disturbance, howsoever and where so ever any of the same may arise or be caused, riot, insurrection and government restraint, fire, extreme weather or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the host; or an event which the host or the Third Party Supplier of services, even with all due care, could not foresee any and all of which, individually and collectively, constitute "Force Majeure”.
Cancellation of activities by the partners in any cases other than those described above may lead to imposing a cancellation fee or termination of the partner's account permanently. Any partners who may be obliged to cancel activities provision in relation to which bookings have been made please contact

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