Do you offer multiple bus routes around your country?
Why you should create wander pass now?

We accept eco-friendly bus operators who offer multiple bus routes around the country and who wish to sell combo tickets for their bus routes. Wander pass will allow you to sell more bus tickets to a traveller who is looking for local experiences.


Create your listing for wander pass for free, upload quality photos, clearly describe the route, select a suitable cancellation policy, update the calendar with price and current availability. Accept terms of service and once it is done, we will check your listing and you’re good to go!


You can choose to accept bookings immediately or accept or decline within 24h. Use our direct messaging to chat with travelers prior and after confirmation of their booking. Get notified instantly by email. Track sales via our smart reports and analytics.


Deliver tickets and Receive payment directly to your bank upon completion of the experience. Grow your network by adding more wander pass to your account. Collect positive reviews to attract even more happy travelers.

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